Refund Eligibility

Last updated on: 04/11/2023

Refunds may be considered if the custom advertisement website fails to meet agreed-upon specifications or if there are critical issues that cannot be resolved.

Refund Request Process: Customers should submit a refund request in writing, detailing the reasons for their request.

Evaluation Period: The provider may have a specific evaluation period during which issues can be reported and addressed before a refund is considered.

Partial vs. Full Refunds: Depending on the circumstances, partial or full refunds may be offered.

Non-Refundable Elements: Certain costs, such as domain registration fees or third-party service charges, may not be eligible for a refund.

Timeline: The policy may specify a time frame within which a refund request must be made, typically within a reasonable period after the website’s completion.

Resolution Process: Details on how the refund request will be reviewed and resolved, including communication with the customer.

Dispute Resolution: If a dispute arises regarding the refund, the policy may outline a process for dispute resolution, such as arbitration or mediation.

Cancelation Fee: In some cases, a cancellation fee may be applicable if the customer decides to cancel the project before completion.
It’s crucial to review the specific refund policy provided by the website developer or provider you are considering to understand their terms and conditions thoroughly. Customized website projects often involve unique agreements, so be sure to have a clear contract in place before proceeding.